Home Loans South Africa

Buying A Home Is A Commitment

Buying a property is a significant milestone in anyone’s investment and personal life. It symbolises independence, a commitment to putting down roots in one place and a rite of passage to financial responsibility.

However, there is the question: “Am I ready to purchase a property and accept responsibility for my decision?”

The answer is not as daunting as it may appear. Lending criteria from the banks remain tight as financial institutions take into account the legal ramifications of the National Credit Act and lick their wounds in the wake of the international economic meltdown and recession.

Yet bonds are being granted and, with a little preparation and forethought, people are acquiring their dream properties.

The rest of the article on IOL shows you what the banks look for and how to improve your chances of getting a better interest rate. Even IOL states that it is good to seek professional advice from mortgage originators. If you are looking to buy property and apply on homeloans-sa.co.za, you will receive expert advice from Secubond, one of South Africa’s top mortgage originators.

Posted via email from SA Home Loan News

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