Whether you are a first-time buyer or someone thinking about a new purchase, it helps to understand the options that could ultimately save you money. A new home loan is not only for first-time home buyers, but for any new property that you buy. You can make the most of the benefits of new home loans by making use of our services.
Our services are 100% free of charge and can save you a lot of time and money. We offer expert advice, giving you the opportunity to sit back and relax while we do the work for you.
Services and Savings we offer:
- We can help you get your home loan approved at the best possible rate by applying at all four major banks and negotiating on your behalf.
- We help you with the structuring of your loan to best suit your financial needs
- We can speed-up the waiting process by working directly with head-office instead of the branches.
- We offer you up to 50% discount on attorney fees when you make use of our preferred attorneys.
- We have a high success rate in getting home loans approved because this is what we do every day.
Since the National Credit Act was brought in and banks became less willing to finance the additional costs, the need for Bond Originators has become more vital. The reason for this is mainly because they offer you all the above mentioned services free of charge, while getting you some discount on attorney costs at the same time.
To apply for a new home loan, simply complete the form on the right of this page.