Home Loans South Africa

More property buyers looking for ‘homes for life’

More property buyers looking for ‘homes for life’

Many young couples are now seeking to buy homes that will provide room for their families to grow without having to move – and without having to pay transfer duty, bond registration, legal fees and other moving costs over and over again.

Tjaart van der Walt, CEO of the RealNet estate agency group, says: “There is definitely a school of thought now that says homeowners should not move too often but rather stay put, pay off their home loans and build up their equity, and in keeping with this, family-size homes in older suburbs are regaining popularity.

“We are seeing many young executives and professionals who might previously have preferred a lock-up-and-go apartment in the city or a home in a country estate now looking instead for fixer-upper houses in established areas, even if these are a bit big for their current needs.”

Posted via email from SA Home Loan News


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